Work with me


Obviously doing photo is an important hobby for me and such I am not willing to spend money on the people I am working with.

As this is my hobby I am not doing payed shootings also, so I never want to receive a payment. I want to create something artistic.

I prefer TFP, which is a common agreement on how to work with each other. TFP stands for Time for Pictures saying everyone is managing their own cost. Of course sometimes there are exceptions if the balance is totally not equal.

In the end the art is published, everyone gets named and linked(!!) and everyone is happy.

If for some reason your shooting should not be published that should not be a problem at all, but is only available if there is a really good reason to not publish the pictures.

How does a shooting happen?

That is pretty easy. As soon as we have contact to each other we should create a mood board and a list of requirements.

The mood board is just to share some ideas and see some things that are possible together.

The list of requirements consists of different things. It can be a possible room, lightings or clothing. It is just a checklist so we don’t miss things and regret not having a planned shooting =).

We meet and have a great time. For me important is to enjoy the time so please tell me what you prefer to drink and snack. Additionally I prefer to take breaks and have less pictures with better quality than 1000 pictures an hour where 90% are equal.

How fast do you edit the images?

That is the most tricky question. I have a stressful life and it stresses me to see 100 pictures where one is better than the other. So sometimes I take some more time than I should. If we agree on TFP and I am not paying you that I try to have at least the unedited pictures available within the first two weeks after the shooting.

The edited ones should be delivered within six weeks after the shoot.

How to contact me?

You can find my personal contact information in the imprint or write me on any of my social media accounts.

Ideas of possible shootings

Of course I have a lot of things I would love to shoot and I will write them here.

To be Done

Right now I have not yet written it down.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you only shoot naked and half naked women?

No I do not. This is just one part that I find interesting, but I do not find only this interesting and am up for a lot of ideas!

I don’t feel like a model

That is not an issue, I also do not feel like the best photographer and have my idols, but that does not say we are not able to create awesome art together. Just be open minded, don’t feel pushed and enjoy a tryout!

I want to have friend with me

I don’t have a problem with additional people at the shooting but I hate people who take pictures out of second row and take over the shooting so please be aware who you bring with yourself =).

Oh and as I want to enjoy the time please also inform me about the snack and drinks part for your companion!

Do you want to do the pictures of my wedding?

This is a job. So if you plan to have me a guest I would love to be your guest and not your photographer! And if you don’t want to have me as a guest… I am not doing a FTP Wedding Party shooting. This is an extreme amount of work and is nothing someone should do for free.

Will you publish every picture?

No! First of all I will only publish pictures that we both agree are worth of publishing, second I will not publish all of them, but only those I edited.

I will of course give you all the edited pictures as well. It is required to link to my profile and to your profile so we both show our are and the partner we created the art with.

Problem with english?

Use Google to translate to german =).